eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)Este enlace se abre en una nueva ventanaLibros electrónicos multidisciplinares, incluye títulos de las principales editoriales universitarias (Oxford, Cambridge, MIT Press..)
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eLibroEste enlace se abre en una nueva ventanaPlataforma de libros electrónicos académicos a texto completo en español.
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Emerald InsightEste enlace se abre en una nueva ventanaBuscador de publicaciones científicas a texto completo sobre ingeniería, ciencias aplicadas y tecnología, de la editorial Emerald.
IntechOpenEste enlace se abre en una nueva ventanaInTech es uno de los editores de libros de ciencia, tecnología y medicina en acceso abierto más grande del mundo.
Oxford AcademicEste enlace se abre en una nueva ventanaPortal de revistas y libros electrónicos publicados por la prestigiosa editorial Oxford University Press. Cubre una temática que abarca un amplio espectro de las humanidades, ciencias sociales, ciencias, medicina y derecho.
ScienceDirect (Elsevier)Este enlace se abre en una nueva ventanaPlataforma de información para la investigación científica, técnica y médica. Ofrece el texto completo de las revistas científicas que publica Elsevier.
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SpringerLinkEste enlace se abre en una nueva ventanaUna de las más renombradas editoriales del ámbito científico a nivel mundial. Ofrece material impreso y electrónico de la editorial Springer y otros editores.
La biblioteca cuenta con manuales sobre el uso de aplicaciones y lenguajes. Puedes buscar más en Unika.
An R Companion to Applied Regression Por John Fox; Harvey Sanford WeisbergAn R Companion to Applied Regression is a broad introduction to the R statistical computing environment in the context of applied regression analysis. John Fox and Sanford Weisberg provide a step-by-step guide to using the free statistical software R, an emphasis on integrating statistical computing in R with the practice of data analysis, coverage of generalized linear models, and substantial web-based support materials. The Third Edition includes a new chapter on mixed-effects models, new and updated data sets, and a de-emphasis on statistical programming, while retaining a general introduction to basic R programming. The authors have substantially updated both the car and effects packages for R for this new edition, and include coverage of RStudio and R Markdown.
Digital Imaging Processing and Analysis Por Scott E. UmbaughWhether for computer evaluation of otherworldly terrain or the latest high definition 3D blockbuster, digital image processing involves the acquisition, analysis, and processing of visual information by computer and requires a unique skill set that has yet to be defined a single text. Until now. Taking an applications-oriented, engineering approach, Digital Image Processing and Analysisprovides the tools for developing and advancing computer and human vision applications and brings image processing and analysis together into a unified framework. Providing information and background in a logical, as-needed fashion, the author presents topics as they become necessary for understanding the practical imaging model under study. He offers a conceptual presentation of the material for a solid understanding of complex topics and discusses the theory and foundations of digital image processing and the algorithm development needed to advance the field. With liberal use of color through-out and more materials on the processing of color images than the previous edition, this book provides supplementary exercises, a new chapter on applications, and two major new tools that allow for batch processing, the analysis of imaging algorithms, and the overall research and development of imaging applications. It includes two new software tools, the Computer Vision and Image Processing Algorithm Test and Analysis Tool (CVIP-ATAT) and the CVIP Feature Extraction and Pattern Classification Tool (CVIP-FEPC). Divided into five major sections, this book provides the concepts and models required to analyze digital images and develop computer vision and human consumption applications as well as all the necessary information to use the CVIPtools environment for algorithm development, making it an ideal reference tool for this fast growing field.
R in Action Por Rob KabacoffSummary R in Action is the first book to present both the R system and the use cases that make it such a compelling package for business developers. The book begins by introducing the R language, including the development environment. Focusing on practical solutions, the book also offers a crash course in practical statistics and covers elegant methods for dealing with messy and incomplete data using features of R. About the Technology R is a powerful language for statistical computing and graphics that can handle virtually any data-crunching task. It runs on all important platforms and provides thousands of useful specialized modules and utilities. This makes R a great way to get meaningful information from mountains of raw data. About the Book R in Action is a language tutorial focused on practical problems. It presents useful statistics examples and includes elegant methods for handling messy, incomplete, and non-normal data that are difficult to analyze using traditional methods. And statistical analysis is only part of the story. You'll also master R's extensive graphical capabilities for exploring and presenting data visually. Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book. What's Inside Practical data analysis, step by step Interfacing R with other software Using R to visualize data Over 130 graphs Eight reference appendixes ================================ Table of Contents Part I Getting started Introduction to R Creating a dataset Getting started with graphs Basic data management Advanced data management Part II Basic methods Basic graphs Basic statistics Part III Intermediate methods Regression Analysis of variance Power analysis Intermediate graphs Re-sampling statistics and bootstrapping Part IV Advanced methods Generalized linear models Principal components and factor analysis Advanced methods for missing data Advanced graphics
Signatura: CIB 002.252
ISBN: 9781935182399
Fecha de publicación: 2015
SuperFractals Por Michael F. BarnsleySuperFractals is the long-awaited successor to Fractals Everywhere, in which the power and beauty of Iterated Function Systems were introduced and applied to producing startling and original images that reflect complex structures found for example in nature. This provoked the question of whether there is a deeper connection between topology, geometry, IFS and codes on the one hand and biology, DNA and protein development on the other. Now, 20 years later, Barnsley brings the story up to date by explaining how IFS have developed in order to address this issue. New ideas such as fractal tops and superIFS are introduced, and the classical deterministic approach is combined with probabilistic ideas to produce new mathematics and algorithms that open a whole theory that could have applications in computer graphics, bioinformatics, economics, signal processing and beyond. For the first time these ideas are explained in book form, and illustrated with breathtaking pictures.
Diccionario español de ingenieríaEste enlace se abre en una nueva ventanaDiccionario alfabético especializado con términos propios de las distintas especialidades de Ingeniería y disciplinas científicas afines.
Enciclopedia Wolfram MathWorldSitio web de recursos de matemáticas. Cuenta con un buscador de conocimiento computacional capaz de responder directamente a las preguntas que hace el usuario, en vez de remitir a enlaces.
OpenStaxManuales de conceptos básicos, en acceso abierto y revisados por pares de Ciencias: Biología, Astronomía, Física, Matemáticas, Química, de la Universidad Rice.
ScholarpediaEnciclopedia de acceso abierto y revisada por pares cuyos artículos están escritos por expertos en estas materias : Astrofísica, Neurociencia computacional, Inteligencia computacional, Sistemas dinámicos y Física.
La biblioteca cuenta con diccionarios y enciclopedias. Puedes buscar más en Unika.